

1. Ethan missed the school bus as usual this morning.

2. As usual, Daniel bought some fruit and bread on his way home.

3. Liam sleeps for at least eight hours and drinks a lot of milk so as to grow taller.

4. Yesterday Violet went shopping for the purpose of buying her friends' Christmas presents.

5. Norah made it to the airport to say goodbye to her cousin.

6. Zack made it to his sister's graduation ceremony.

7. It has never occurred to Stephanie that she will be famous some day.

8. When she arrived at school, it occurred to Ivy that she hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

9. Lucas looks energetic. In fact, he has not slept well for days.

10. Amelia performed well. In fact, she had practiced for only two hours.

11. Eleanor's humor spices up the performance.

12. Vincent thinks that sending flowers and having romantic dates can spice up the relationship between him and his girlfriend.

13. Phoebe walks to school/goes to school on foot. As for her brother, he rides a bike to school.

14. Jacob hates vegetables. As for fruit, he likes apples.

15. Scarlet is making hamburgers which are her son's favorite.

16. William is talking to a girl whose father is a doctor.

17. Ian is diligent, and he often thinks about/of others. In brief, he is our role model.

18. Taking public transportation reduces air pollution and saves people's money. In brief, public transportation does more good than harm.

19. In comparison with other TV hosts and hostesses, Ellen is humorous and unique.

20. Australia, in comparison with other countries, has lots of natural sites for visitors to choose from.

21. That old woman looks ordinary. Believe it or not, she was once a top model and successful actress.

22. Aaron lives very close to his school. Believe it or not, he is often late.

23. Abigail is tickled pink to receive an invitation to the party.

24. Ryan is tickled pink to meet his junior high classmates.



1. D   2. A   3. B   4. C   5. B   6. C   7. A   8. D   9. D   10. C



1. Colors influence our life more than we can ever imagine.

2. We may describe a sick person as being “a bit green.”

3. We may also use symbolic meanings of colors to talk about things.

4. We say that person is “feeling blue.”

5. Colors do spice up ordinary conversations.

6. Because yellow is the most eye­-catching color.

7. Red is the color which usually indicates warning.

8. They are decorated in those colors for the purpose of increasing people's appetites.

9. This is because bright colors are natural colors found in many foods, and thus, able to raise people's spirits.

10. Because few foods are blue in nature.



1. A   2. C   3. D   4. B   5. C



1. as; usual

2. for; the; purpose; of

3. In; fact

4. spices; up

5. Joel took the earliest train and made it to the concert.

6. Then it occurred to him that he forgot to bring the ticket.

7. Max thinks summer is the best season. As for his sister, she prefers winter.

8. Britney owns a house in the country which is close to a beautiful lake.

9. Willy brings his own shopping bags and chopsticks when going out. In brief, he acts and fights against environmental threat.

10. In comparison with Beatrice, who enjoys interacting with others, her brother enjoys being alone.

11. Believe it or not, blue dishes and bowls can help those who are on a diet.

12. Amber is tickled pink to have such a great opportunity.



Since, If, Even though, so that, After, Every time


Listening Test

Part 1 1. C 2. B 3. A

Part 2 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A

Part 3 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C

Part 4 1. A 2. C



Part 1

1. Q: How do you think the man feels?
(A) Proud.
(B) Satisfied.
(C) Depressed.

2. Q: What are the man and woman doing?
(A) They are giving a warning.
(B) They are having a conversation.
(C) They are spicing up their diet.

3. Q: What is the man doing to his living room?
(A) Decorating it.
(B) Spoiling it.
(C) Cleaning it out.

Part 2

1. W: I just remembered something! Today’s my birthday!
M: Congratulations! Let’s celebrate!
Q: What happened?

2. M: What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?
W: Hot and sunny, as usual.
Q: What does the woman mean?

3. W: Hi, boss. Sorry I was late for the meeting.
M: You’re always late. If you are late one more time this year, you will be fired!
Q: What did the man tell the woman?

4. M: Hey, I heard you and Mark are going to be parents! Congratulations!
W: Thanks. We’re both tickled pink with the news.
Q: How does the woman feel?

5. W: Uh-­oh! I think it’s going to rain in a minute.
M: If we run, we can make it to that bus stop over there.
Q: What does the man mean?

Part 3

1. M: Check this out. I made a little house using pencils and pens.
W: I can see that. But what is it for?
M: It doesn’t do anything. It’s just a decoration for my desk.
W: Well, I don’t know what to say.
Q: What is the purpose of the house?

2. W: What do you want to do after college?
M: Believe it or not, I want to be a waiter.
W: A waiter?
M: Yes, in a famous five
-­star hotel. I’ve always wanted to do that.
Q: What does the man think?

3. M: What time do you usually get up in the morning?
W: About five
M: Wow! I bet you hate getting up so early.
W: On the contrary
that’s the best part of the day!
Q: What does the woman mean?

4. W: Hey! Don’t have any snacks before dinner!
M: Why not? I’m really hungry.
W: They will spoil your appetite.
M: No they won’t. Snacks never affect my appetite!
Q: What does the woman think will happen?

5. W: Do you like this painting I did?
M: Yes. Do all those broken eggs have a symbolic meaning?
W: That’s right. They are the sad, broken dreams of my life.
M: Oh dear! Now I feel depressed!
Q: What do the eggs in the painting mean?

Part 4

1. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following announcement. What is the announcement talking about?
Attention all customers! Until five o’clock today, all items with a special circle label are 40 percent off. And you’ve got to hurry because the sale will end in one hour! Thank you for shopping with us!

2. Please look at the following three pictures. Listen to the following message. What will Peter do tonight?
Hi, Peter. I’m going to be home from work late today so please make dinner for the children. As for dessert, there’s some ice cream in the freezer. Thank you so much. Bye!

