
Unit 5 The Light of Halloween


1 yells  2 promised  3 replaced  4 screamed  5 custom

6 stole  7 immigrants  8 suddenly  9 symbol  10 powerful


1 in a flash  2 picked up  3 had nothing to do with

4 turned up  5 fall for

III  1 C  2 B  3 C  4 D  5 A  6 C  7 D



1 An old lady was hit by a car this morning.

2 The window was broken by Tom.

3 Our lunch was made by George.

4 All the babies in this room are taken care of by the nurse.

5 That song was sung by a famous singer.


1 Rose drank a bowl of hot soup so that she would feel warmer.

2 Corey spent hours fixing his bicycle so that he could ride it to school the next day.

3 Thomas turned off the TV so that his little sister could sleep.

4 The teacher told me where I went wrong when I tried to solve the math problem, so that I would not make the same mistakes again.

5 Why don’t you book the movie tickets on the Internet now, so that you and your friends won’t need to stand in line before the box office later?


1 silver; cross; make; lose  2 wanted/wants; from; me

3 tricked; into; believing  4 so; that

VI  1 C  2 A  3 D  4 B


Unit 6 What Is Written in the Stars?


1 eager  2 energetic  3 tends  4 enthusiastic  5 published

6 illustrate  7 reached  8 sensitive  9 category  10 recorded

11 personality  12 correspond  13 imagination

14 surroundings  15 communicate


1 leads to  2 instead of  3 belongs to

III  1 B  2 C  3 C  4 C  5 D  6 A  7 B

IV  1 C  2 D  3 A  4 B  5 B



1 Fast food is said to be bad for health.

2 The typhoon is reported to have destroyed the houses seriously.

3 Alvin is said to have run into the burning building and saved the child’s life.

4 Air-sign people are said to be excited about learning new things.

5 The old lady is believed to have been very rich before the war began.


1 can’t/cannot be raining  2 must be very tired

3 can/may be there  4 might/could be  5 can’t/cannot be him


1 make  2 make; plans; takes; action

3 follow; their; hearts; their; minds  4 is; everywhere

5 sure; of; herself  6 opened; my; eyes; to

VII  1 B  2 B  3 A  4 D


Unit 7 Inventing a Better World


1 represent  2 controls  3 frustrated  4 experimenting

5 exhibition  6 convince  7 damaged  8 spread  9 chemicals

10 disappointed  11 solve  12 serves  13 succeeded

II  1 B  2 D  3 D  4 B  5 D  6 C  7 B  8 A

III  1 B  2 C  3 D  4 D  5 B  6 C  7 B  8 D  9 A



1 The chef has decided to make public his secret recipe.

2 The boy has never helped wash the dishes.

3 Mr. Silver has used Post-it notes for years.


1 If Ben knew the girl’s phone number, he could call her and ask her out.

2 If that criminal were in prison, he would not be a great threat to the public.

3 If Eric played basketball, he could join our team.


1 works; as; mechanic  2 put; into; practice

3 As; the; saying; goes

VI  1 D  2 C  3 C  4 D  5 A


Unit 8 Help . . . I Need a Break!


1 relax  2 mentioned  3 updated  4 typical  5 comments

6 till  7 freshman  8 including  9 exact  10 selection


1 by herself  2 as long as  3 in the same boat  4 hung in there

5 going through  6 get used to

III  1 D  2 C  3 D  4 B  5 C  6 B  7 A

IV  1 D  2 B  3 B  4 A  5 D



1 This huge swimming pool has been cleaned by John.

2 The computer has been used by Yvonne.

3 The fruit has been stored in the refrigerator.

4 These songs have been played by the DJ at the radio station.

5 Pictures have been hung on the wall by the family.


1 It was disappointing that I studied hard but got a bad grade in my history class.

2 It is great that the people you love always stand by you when you need them.

3 It is important that you believe in yourself.

4 It was clear that the answer to that question was B.

5 It was not right that Lydia cheated in the test.


1 kept; on  2 at; the; same; time  3 been; given; so; much

4 Thank; goodness  5 has; been; played

VII  1 C  2 B  3 A

