
Unit 8 I Beg Your Pardon

. 片語與句型造句

1. Fire safety training is a matter of life and death.

2. It’s a matter of life and death for some African children to have enough food and medicine.

3. Most students seldom feel/are seldom at ease before tests.

4. It is difficult/hard for Elizabeth to feel/be at ease in a place crowded with people.

5. Because Jason loves French culture so much, he dreams of living out his life in France.

6. Having made enough money, Martha lived out her life at leisure without having to worry about anything.

7. With the soft music and dim light, everyone in the bar relaxed in comfort.

8. Dad sits/sat on the sofa in comfort, enjoying his favorite TV program.

9. By virtue of his power, Oscar is the one to make/that makes the final decision.

10. James took a day off by virtue of illness/sickness.

11. Believe it or not, Stella has six brothers and sisters.

12. Believe it or not, it’s said that happy people live longer.

13. The doctor advised/suggested that the patient (should) eat more vegetables and fruits.

14. Jonas suggested that the whole class (should) go on/take a trip to Japan.

15. Taipei is the first city that many foreigners visit while traveling to Taiwan.

16. Jeremy is the first Taiwanese to play in the NBA.

17. As to grades, Jared does not think they are important.

18. As to my future plan, I think I’ll learn two foreign languages.

19. The story took place in a dark forest.

20. The supermodel’s wedding will take place next year.

21. Johnny thanks his teacher for his/her support.

22. Diana’s daughter thanks her for her love and care.

23. Baldwin’s girlfriend wondered what lay behind his decision to buy a car.

24. Determination, courage, and perseverance lie behind the businessperson’s success.

. 綜合測驗

1. C  2. D  3. B  4. A  5. B  6. D  7. A  8. C  9. C  10. B

. 課文問答

1. He is expected to announce the fate of two turkeys.

2. It can be traced back to the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

3. He named it Jack.

4. He cried loudly and begged for Jack’s life.

5. He commanded that the turkey be spared.

6. It took place in the summer of 1621.

7. They helped the Pilgrims to survive by teaching them how to grow crops.

8. They held a great feast for two reasons: to thank God for the harvest and to thank the Indians for their help when the Pilgrims first arrived.

9. They are turkey, duck, goose, fish, and berries.

10. To give thanks to those who have offered help and to remember all the good things in life.

. 閱讀測驗

1. A  2. D  3. B  4. B  5. C

. 翻譯

1. Hazel feels at ease in the country.

2. She wants to live out her life there.

3. Wearing/Fastening a seat belt is a matter of life and death.

4. Believe it or not, it can increase the chances of survival in a car accident.

5. By virtue of the fair/good/nice/fine weather yesterday, we went on a picnic in a


6. We relaxed in comfort on the lawn.

7. The boss ordered that the secretary (should) make ten phone calls this morning.

8. Benson is the first person in his family to ride a bicycle around the island.

9. As to the new classmate, no one has talked to him yet.

10. The feast took place in a fancy hotel.

11. This is because they wanted to thank the Indians for their help.

12. It is interesting to know the meaning that lies behind this important holiday.

. 寫作練習

Part I

1. If I have to plan a trip for my class, I will take my classmates to Tamsui.

2. I think Tamsui is a great choice because it is easily approachable by MRT,

  beautiful, and highly popular.

3. We will taste some delicious food, take a walk and chat, and watch the sunset

  along the river.

4. I think my classmates will have a good time during this trip, and we will have a

  lot of wonderful memories.

Part II

If I am in charge of our class trip, Tamsui will be my first choice because of its easy access, beautiful scenery, and popularity. First, Tamsui is easy to get to by taking the convenient MRT. Second, it boasts a beautiful wharf and a romantic bridge. Most of all, Tamsui is famous for its delicious food and glorious sunset, and it could be a great pleasure to stroll leisurely and chat, or watch the brilliant scene on the waterfront while enjoying local specialties at the same time. I believe we can have a good time in the historic town.

Listening Test

Part 1   1. B  2. D  3. C  4. A  5. A

Part 2   1. D  2. C  3. D  4. A  5. A

Part 3   1. C  2. B  3. C  4. C  5. A

