2015.03 中區英語辯論比賽
地點: 中科實驗中學
上台選手: George. Ariel. Angel. Jenny. Mark. Stella
智囊團: Sharon. Evonne. Dean
題目: Proposition: That the Taiwan government should legalize euthanasia
Affirmative Case -Data Collection & Analysis 1. Definition of the term: (from dictionary/legal citations/operational definitions through Aff. plan) n “Euthanasia” refers to _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
2. STOCK issues that constitute a Prima Facie case (SHITS-D) : A. Status Quo(現況):
n 醫療層面 (Medical Standpoint) 政府主管機關
n 科學研究/理論 (Theoretical Basis)
n 社會組織/民間機構 (NGOs/NPOs) 1. 2. n 國際現況(他國做法/立場/律法) (International Practices) 1. 2. 3. n 社會新聞/實際案例 (News/Cases) 1. (Date/Place/Description) 2. 3.
B. Harm(現況造成的問題): n To ____________: n To ____________:
C. Significance(問題的顯著影響層面)- Argue the harm is significant: n Qualitative (violation of a society’s core value)
n Quantitative (widespread problem)
D. Inherency (問題源自於現況體制/無法解決)
E. Topicality (Every discussed aspect related to the topic?) ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Plan (planks): Feasibility + workability n Mandates(法律層面) 1. 2. n Administration (政府機關/執行單位/執法機關)
n Enforcement 1. 執行方式: 2. 對象: 3. Criminal penalty:
n Funding ($ from?) 1. costs: 2. funds: |
讓我們再接再厲吧! 思辨能力是很重要的訓練,不要總想著訴諸情緒&渲染感受,我們要有邏輯的解決問題,尋求改善現況更好的答案。