Listening / 聽力練習推薦網站 - 因應大考英聽,提供學生自學線上免費資訊 / 一定要認識的免費英聽練習網站!!!! 自學時搭配Listening Journal 建立自己的學習歷程

Weekly Listening Journal

Name______ No_____ Class_____


Instructions: Make time for some listening exercises at least two times a week and record your performances.  Hand in your listening journal every Monday

1. Log onto http://www.esl-lab.com/    (<=就是它,有提供聽後各種測驗及單字整理

2. Please follow the following procedure.

Step 1: Pre-listening Exercises

Step 2: Listening Exercises: do the quiz and write down your first score.

Step 3: Go to “Quiz script”, read it, and then listen again.

Step 4: Do the Vocabulary Activities, including Mixed-Up Sentence, Sentence and Vocabulary Matching, and Text Completion Quiz. Write down the score for Text Completion Quiz as your second score.

  Step 5: Do the shadowing at least two times.

The First Time   Date:________

1. Pick one lesson from General Listening Quizzes.

  Level __________   Topic_________________________

1st score________   2nd score________

2. Pick one lesson from Listening Quizzes for Academic Purposes.

Level __________     Topic_________________________

1st score________    2nd score________

The Second Time   Date:________

1. Pick one lesson from General Listening Quizzes.

  Level __________   Topic_________________________

1st score________   2nd score________

2. Pick one lesson from Listening Quizzes for Academic Purposes.

Level __________     Topic_________________________

1st score________    2nd score________

*List at least five new words or phrases which you learn from the quizzes.


*Notice: Be sure to read the questions before you listen to the text.
