Teaching Feast 學生作品 / 201509 ~ 201607 (導生班 218語資/204/117/高一多元選修/高二特色課程) / [218] Book Three Unit 11 課文閱讀小翻轉活動: 布袋戲興衰史TimeLine

B3 U11  Coming Back With a Thunder 

[小翻轉] Activity: 

              1. Teacher lead: Cover the backgroud of Glove Puppetry (Paragraph 1) 

                       Ask Comprehension Questions about its: 

                                     1.Origin    2. Performance information    3. Features

               2. Two people in a group and focus on one paragraph to read.

                       Take Turns translating sentences and discuss the main ideas + highlight key  information.  

               3. Groups come to the front and finish the TimeLine on Blackboard: 

                         a)  Mark the Year/ Period

                          b) List in points the major movement 

                          c) Sum up (the popularity of Glove Puppetry went UP OR DOWN?) 


Students' Works: 









負責最後一段的組別則上台summarize orally the paragraph.



