Teaching Feast 學生作品 / 201509 ~ 201607 (導生班 218語資/204/117/高一多元選修/高二特色課程) / [117] Book One Unit Three The Happy Prince 聽力練習(Scrambled paragraphs)

Book One Unit Three    The Happy Prince 

Listening Exercise: 

      1. (First time) Listen and Rearrange the order of ten scrambled paragraphs. 

      2. Listen again to fill in the blanks of missing content words. 

      3. (Listen again) Cut and apply the paragraph slips to the worksheet.  

      4. (Listen again) Finish character profile drawing and double check spelling of your answers.


Sample Student Works: 






有Time Limit,學生忙到不行~ 而且聽得超認真~~~~~ 


