- cosmos (2019黃朝欽)
- leaking confidential(2019劉彥廷)
- little red (2019蔡承耘)
- T is for Teresa (2019張庭容)
- the adventure of a caterpillar (2019陳品亘)
- the ninja big bad wolf (2019陳韻羽)
- the trivia in our daily life (2019王敬吾黃子原)
- the wolf's revenge (2019林仕敏)
- 花樣 (2019鄭宇凡)
- a cat (2020 a cat)
- As we get smaller (2020劉思妤)
- Daily Life of Squid Sisters (2020黃令羽)
- DOR (2020 許樂平)
- J & S (2020蔣子恆)
- Kumiho in the dark (2020黃衍銘)
- S is for shelly (2020 李怡嫻)
- Santa's Successors (2020 劉子琳)
- Sell that ghost (2020 劉思岑)
- Smart Brave (2020 林敬沛)
- The Amazing Story of Wolf Pig (2020 Flora)
- The brave rat and the cowardly cat (2020 張家豪陳柏方)
- The dirty princess (2020 陳思語)
- The power (2020 邊乙桓)
- The Ugly Duck Celebrates Christmas (2020 詹彩渝)
- This is not the end of your life (2020王子宜)
- 8 things about thailand (Ko Chen Li)